Monday, July 26, 2010

One Shade I've got my needles in

Working on a gator. This is a favor for a friend - she's giving it to another friend as a gift. This works out as I like making knitted toys but once they are done I have no actual use for them. So they just gather dust until I give them away. Why not just give them away before the dust settles?

I'm way further now - I took this pic three days ago. Now I just have one more leg and the mouth to go. Plus all the finishing. I might not be done too soon as I need to pick up some felt and I don't know when I'll get around to that.

Funny enough - not only is this green, but so is the sweater I just finished and the one I'm working on now. Guess it's my color right now.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

And sometimes, I sew . . .

For some reason the idea of heading off to see the world sort of put a fire under my rear and led to me tackling a few projects I've been putting off. Knowing that I would be spending a lot of time on a coach watching the world go by I figured I was going to bring some knitting. (also that if I went two weeks without knitting I might lose my mind) But all my project bags were store bought and too big or too small. So I got out the fabric stash (which is not super impressive - I have to buy fabric if I want to make anything that requires more than half a yard) and took two fabrics I liked. I sewed them together inside out on three sides, turned them right side out, hemmed the one end, folded up what I had- leaving a flap, sewed the sides together, added some snaps, and sewed buttons over the snaps. And that was how my perfect size project bag came to be. Poking out in the open picture are the socks I made while in the coach. I just finished them as we approached Paris - which was the last stop so- perfect timing.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

World Wander

So, during my little sabbatical I did some traveling. Internationally. Now I'm not a jaded world traveler so I'm still at the "Squee! I'm in Paris!" point of my life. I visited England and Scotland for a a little over a week when I was nineteen, but since then have not left the country. I booked one of those crazy coach tours where you see about eight countries in two weeks. And before I left I did my research on yarn shops and the like. But there was not any time! The few times there was I found the stores but they were closed.

The only place I got lucky was in Venice. I was actually in search of another store but instead stumbled upon this place that had yarn and underwear (I should have gotten a pic) and there was like a bargain bin with yarn bagged in twos. The crappy pic above washes out the color a little, but it's a lovely yellow. It's also the softest wool I've ever touched and made in Italy, so if it was the only yarn I bought - at least it was something good. I am thinking a lacy scarf, but plan on waiting to get all knitty with it.

The yarn is Lana Gatto. Oh and the stuffed animal is Remmy, my travelin' cat. I encountered him in a toy store when I was fifteen or sixteen. I noticed his crooked nose and that the fur on the back of his head was singed and thought no one would buy him, so I did. Since then he has gone with me for every out of town journey I have ever taken.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I only blog in the second half of the year

So I was looking at my knitting bag post from, you know, six months ago, and since then I've made lots of progress on nearly everything shown. In fact I've even made one sweater and am working on a second from the pile o swatches. These here are what became of the hanks of yarn that were in the post. As far as I know they are holding up fine. Though likely not getting much wear in the 100+ weather that southern NM always has this time of year.

Yes my brother is doing double "Live long and prosper"

Thursday, December 31, 2009

In the Knitting Bag

Instead of doing a list of resolutions for the new year I thought I would just take pictures of all my current knitting. That way I can look back next year and see what got done, scrapped, and might still be in progress. So, on to the current WIPs:

First up is a soon to be S'n B Kittyville hat. I just need ears and possibly ties. It's actually a little smaller than adult size as it's meant for a child. This needs to be done mid Jan as that's when the child's birthday is.

Next up I have my current work/movie/travel knitting. No time limit on these, just easy knitting for those free moments when out and about.

Yet another sock. This is "Sunshine" from Sock Innovation. This is the first sock. I'm happy to say this is the second time I've knit from this book even though I've only had it since the end of April (I have a history of buying books and magazines and never making anything from them.) I have to say I love the book and intend on making at least half of the designs in it. Again, no time limit on the socks. I'm just making them for the fun of it.

This is the current state of the gloves I began ages ago. I've heard of second sock syndrome - but I seem to suffer from second glove. I do want to finish these before the weather warms up.

Swatches for projects to be. Sweaters, I think. But sometimes plans change.

Not yet wound but already destined to be fingerless gloves for BB- the pair I made him a few years back are beginning to disintegrate from constant loving wear.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

More Tree Decorations

Every year I bake cookies and give them to friends in tins. Most years I get crafty and make ornaments to go with the cookies. This year I thought I was going to skip it but at the end of the last day of work until next year all I really wanted to do was curl up with some small instant gratification knitting. And so I made an ornament. Then another. Thus- ornaments! The yarn is all leftovers from various projects. I didn't use any patterns, just made it up as I went. My favorite is the purple mitten - I love the shape of the hand and the pointy thumb and hand. I want to knit myself some mittens like that.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Keeping Warm

This is my newest knit hat modeled by my new head, Edith. (Yes, I know it's a terrible pun.) It's Madeline Tosh sock yarn in what I think was hydrangea colorway. I made socks but they pooled in the ugliest way and met an awful fate with the dryer (perhaps intentional on my part). Luckily there was still enough of this pretty yarn for this hat. It's just stockinette in the round. I made it long enough it fits over an updo and still covers the ears.
It's been colder than usual round these parts and I've had an opportunity to really use a whole lot of my handknit goodies. Both sets of handwarmers, my mittens, two knitted berets, this hat, the recycled sari silk scarf, my clapotis, legwarmers, and plenty of knitted socks have seen action lately. Sadly I only have one handknit wool sweater that fits so I haven't gotten to show off my skills there. On the plus I managed to do some savy shopping for myself and pick up three cashmere cardigans for a little less than the price of one. Everyday I wear one and I will keep this up for as long as the cold lasts (or until I knit a new sweater.) It's sort of like a game. A game I always win.
